This is a documentary that presents George Papandreou’s unrelenting struggle against the right wing and the king’s entourage. The narration unfolds in the midst of the public demonstrations and pr...
A woman (Bente Borsum) is staying in a house belonging to her rich husband (Andreas Barkoulis), located on the rocks of a deserted island. When her husband’s son from a previous marriage (Christos S...
Three brothers leave home seeking their freedom. Trying to escape with a boat, they are marooned in a swampy area. There, with the help of a shepherd (Nikos Alexiou), they expand their sexual horizons...
A newly-married couple, Roxanne and Eddie (Marios Tagaris and Natali Danika), arrive on an island belonging to the bridegroom’s handicapped father (Giorgos Loukakis). His father demands that they ha...
Documentary that follows the preservation process of the Acropolis monuments from 1973 to 1986. It imprints the slow pace of the labour and the gradual changes, as well as the tenseness of the scienti...
Three petit bourgeois couples are camping out on a lonely beach. Things among them are complicated and tense. Soon, a beautiful young tourist comes along, camps close by and swims naked, unsettling th...
A band goes from village feast to village feast. Singer Eurydiki (Eurydice) falls for a farmer and goes with him to Athens to record an LP. When her solo career falters, she returns to the band, which...